Center for cultural dialogue

Tarnów, Poland

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The building is located in one of the oldest cities in Poland; Tarnów. In the strict old jewish district. In Tarnow, there are 4 main cultures, polish, jewish, romanians, ukrainian people. The building is designed for the 4 cultures to integrate together. The site is really narrow and close to the historical buildings, for example, leftovers of Bima, a jewish altar. The main goal of the design was to dedicate all the views from the building to this last remnant of jewish culture.
Because of the very elaborated program, the building is reaching deep down under the ground. In this area, there are strict rules setting the limit for the buildings in the old city center.
The proposal consists of a technical floor, cafeteria, space dedicated to spreading knowledge about cultures, auditorium, exposition room. The idea behind the ”snake-like” staircase is to connect all the main spaces through the building. On level zero there are narrow, low corridor-like openings, very like in all jewish district, full of mysterious passages.
Every year on the square in front of the building there is a jewish celebration, gathering a lot of religious people as well as tourists and viewers around Bima. The proposed building is a background and an audience to this special spectacle and every other day in this lovely district in Tarnow.

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Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Architecture
Division of Public Utility Architecture A-22
Tutor: Piotr Gajewski, PhD Arch
with Marta Nowak. PhD Arch